Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is this homemade milkshake healthy? And what are your thoughts ...

I? th?? homemade milkshake healthy? An? wh?t ?r? ???r th???ht? ?n soy?
Holaa. I ???t m??? a milkshake. I?ve b??n a pretty irresponsible vegetarian (I?m a lacto-ovo)./: I?m trying t? ??t healthy ?n? try n?w things, though. Today I m??? a milkshake. It h?? 2-3 scoops ?f chocolate ice cream, maybe 2 cups ?f skim milk, ?n? nearly a total banana (I ??? a total one yesterday ?n? ?t w?? t? banana-ey) ?n? 4 strawberries. If ?t isn?t, th?n I?m ?n?? going t? h??? ?t occasionally t? ??t ??m? fruits ?n m?. If ?t ??, th?n AWESOME!(:

I?m really getting ?nt? th?? total healthy vegetarian thing. I?ve found many recipes (alas none f?r dinner?th?t look appealing anyways.). I want t? m?k? m? somewhat healthy t? include soy milk ?nt? m? diet. I don?t r??k?n I m?? possibly manage full ?n veganism, considering h?w t?rr?b?? I ??? ?t vegetarianism ?? far, b?t, I ?? want t? try soy milk. T? ??? ?f those really picky eaters, ?? ??? ??k? soy? An? t? everyone, wh?t ???? soy taste th? m??t ??k?? Thanks.
I never ???? I wanted t? drink soy ?? I m?? possibly b? th? classification ?f someone ????. I ???? th?t I wanted t? try being more healthy. Animal milk ?? unhealthy, I know th?t much.
Haha, I knew th? chocolate wasn?t healthy, b?t I w?? hoping th? fruits w???? even ?t out. Darn.(; Yes, I h??? h?? ?n ??? fruit smoothie. It wasn?t very ???????nt. I ??k? chocolate, ?? I added ?t t? take th? taste a bit away fr?m th? fruits, b?t still keep ?t ?? th?t I ??t th? nutrients fr?m th? fruits.

I h??? h?? veg dinners. Very few, though. Pizza, eggs, PBJ, PB crackers, muesli, pizza, more pizza, nachos ?n? cheese, grilled cheese, pancakes, spaghetti, ?n? th?t?s ?b??t ?t. T?rr?b??, r??ht? I?m trying t? m?k? ?t better..Basically, I?m a veg wh? doesn?t ??k? vegs. I?m trying t? find foods th?t h??? th? taste ?f vegs, though. Fruits fine, f?r th? m??t ??rt. Depends ?n wh??h kind.

An?w?r b? TorxBit
I particularity stay away fr?m soy. I ?? n?t ??k? ?t ?n ????? ?f ?th?r foods. Th?n ?f course I ?m a localvore ?n? prefer t? ??? I ??k? food m??? fr?m food. It mainly h?? t? ?? w?th th? fact I see soy ?? animal feed ?n? ?? a rotational crop.

An? ??? ??n still b? a vegetarian ?n? drink milk, eat cheese, ?n? eat eggs. Th?r? ?r? even vegetarians wh? eat fish. Basically ??? eat wh?t ??? want t? eat ?n? I w???? suggest ??? quit trying t? live up t? someone ???? classification. J??t pay attention t? wh?t ??? eat ?n? b? knowledgeable ?b??t wh?r? ???r food comes fr?m.

Give ???r ?n?w?r t? th?? q???t??n below!

Related Reading:

51OY nq7ndL. SL75  Is this homemade milkshake healthy? And what are your thoughts on soy?Healthy Recipes For the Family 2012 Collection130 healthy and quick recipes; great for the busy person. And they are tasty and nutritious. No ?weird? or difficult-to-find ingredients.

Written by a personal fitness trainer, nutritional consultant, and chef.

Related posts:

  1. What are healthy recipes milkshake?
  2. I need a healthy milkshake recipe?
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  4. Yummy and healthy milkshake?
  5. what is the perfect healthy milkshake?


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